The Dental Health Center

At what age should I bring my child to see a dentist?

Many parents think baby teeth are not very important because they eventually fall out. However, they are just as important as the permanent teeth that will follow. Baby or primary teeth help your child learn to chew and speak and also hold space in the jaw for permanent teeth to emerge correctly. For this reason, it is important to begin visits to the children's dentist in Aston, PA at an early age. 

Children's Dentistry in Aston, PA

Young girl smiling outside near pediatric dentist in Aston PADr. Seger likes to see children when the first baby tooth appears but no later than age one. He needs to monitor your child’s oral health from the time baby teeth first erupt because decay in baby teeth increases the risk of cavities in permanent teeth. Your child is at a higher risk of decay if teeth are exposed to sugar for long periods, which is why you shouldn’t put your baby to sleep with a bottle in their mouth.

Early visits also benefit your child because we want them to get comfortable with Dr. Seger and our team slowly and at their own pace. It’s crucial that we first see your child when they aren’t experiencing any pain. We don’t want you to wait until there’s a problem because the chances are that your child will associate the discomfort they feel with dental visits, which can result in a lifetime of dental anxiety.

Contact The Dental Health Center to Schedule

If you have questions or would like to schedule your child’s first appointment, please call our Aston, PA dentist office at (610) 494-0404. We look forward to welcoming your little one and helping them get started with a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles.

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