When the living core of a natural tooth is so severely damaged or decayed that it can no longer be repaired or restored via simple dental restoration, typically one of two common and highly effective treatments is employed to relieve pain and protect against infection. In cases where a tooth’s external structure is still intact, a root canal may be performed in which the tooth’s interior, or “pulp,” is removed. If the tooth cannot be saved in any form, an extraction may be recommended.
In either case, the patient is likely to require a dental crown.
What Is a Dental Crown?
A dental crown is a cap made typically of porcelain (though crowns made of other materials like porcelain-fused-to-metal, gold alloys, or ceramic-like zirconia are available). A dental crown is either fitted over the remainder of an original tooth following a root canal or mounted atop a dental implant at the site of an extracted tooth. In both scenarios, the crown provides structural support and protection from future damage and decay.
Dental Crowns vs. Other Restorative Solutions
When compared with other restorative options, dental crowns offer both structural and cosmetic advantages. First and foremost, dental crowns offer protection in situations where tooth damage is so extensive it’s beyond the capabilities of dental filings, which are more suitable for smaller cavities.
Additionally, whether in the aftermath of root canal treatment or extraction and dental implant, crowns provide excellent durability. They are vital in keeping the remaining teeth in alignment, restoring strength to a person’s biting and chewing functions, and helping to provide structural support to weakened or cracked teeth and to the jawbone and other maxillofacial structures.
Finally, as dental crowns can be customized to match the color and shape of the surrounding teeth, they offer significant cosmetic/aesthetic benefits that dentures or dental bridges simply cannot match.
Dental Crowns in Aston, PA
If you’re in the Aston area and want to learn more about dental crowns as a tooth replacement solution, contact dentist Dr. Dan Seger and the team at The Dental Health Center in Aston, PA, to schedule a consultation!